accompany go with accomplish carry out, do accordingly so accrue add, gain accurate correct, exact, right acheive do, make acheives does, makes actual real additional added, more, other additionally added, also, other address discuss advantageous helpful advise recommend, tell advises recommends, tells aircraft plane anticipate expect anticipates expects apparent clear, plain appear seem appears seems appreciable many appropriate (omit), proper, right approximately about ascertain find out, learn assist aid, help attempt try attempts tries benefit help benefits helps capabilities abilities, can capability ability, can catagories classes, groups catagory class, group caveat warning cognizant aware, responsible combined joint component part components parts comprise form, include, make up comprises forms, includes, makes up concerning about, on conclude close, end concludes closes, ends concur agree concurs agrees confront face, meet confronts faces, meets consequently so consolidate combine, join, merge consolidates combines, joins, merges constitutes is, forms, makes up construct build constructs builds contains has continue keep on continues keeps on contribute give contributes gives current (omit) currently (omit) deem think deems thinks delete cut, drop deletes cuts. drops demonstrate prove, show demonstrates proves, shows depart leave departs leaves designate appoint, choose, anme desire wish desires wishes determine decide, figure, find determines decides, figures, finds develop grow, make, take place disclose show discontinue drop, stop disseminate issue, send out echelon level echelons levels effect make effects makes elect choose, pick eliminate cut, drop, end employ use encounter meet encounters meets encourage urge endeavor try ensure make sure enumerate count enumerates counts equitable fair equivalent equal establish set up, prove, show etc (rewrite) evaluate check, rate, test evidenced showed evident clear examine check, look at exhibit show expedite hurry, rush, speed up expeditious fast, quick expend pay out, spend expense cost, fee, price expenses costs, fees, prices expertise ability, skill explain show, tell facilitate help, ease factor reason, cause feasible cab=n be done, workable females women final last finialize complete, finish forfeit give up, lose forward send function act, role, work furnish give, send herein here however but hte the identical same identify find, name, show immediately at once impacted affected, changed, hit implement carry out, do follow inception start incorporate blend, join, merge indicate show, write down indication sign initial first initiate start justify prove legislation law limitations limits locate find location place, scene, site magnitude size maintain keep, support majority greatest, longest, most methodology method minimize decrease, lessen, reduce modify change monitor check, watch nad and nebulous vague necessitate cause, need non-concur disagree notify let know, tell numerous many, most objective aim, goal obligate bind, compel observe see obtain get operate run, work operational working optimum best, greatest, most option choice, way parameters limits participate take part perform do permit let personnel people, staff portion part position place, put possess have, own practicable practical preclude prevent prepared ready previous earlier, past previously before prior before prioritize rank probability chance procedures rules, ways proceed do, go on, try proficiency skill programmed planned promulgate announce, issue provide give, say, supply provisions (omit) purchase buy pursuant by, following, under recapitulate sum up reduce cut reflect say, show regarding about, of on relating about relocation move remain stay remainder rest remuneration pay, payment render give, amke request ask require must, need requirement need reside live retain keep review check, go over selection choice shall will shortfall shortage similar like solicit ask for stat-of-the-art latest state say subject the, this, your subsequent later, next subsequently after, later, then substantial large, real, strong sufficient enough task ask terminate end, stop there are (omit), exist there is (omit), exists therefore so therein there thereof its, thier timely prompt transmit send transpire happen, occur utilize use validate confirm value cost, worth verbatim word for word, exact viable practical, workable vice instead of, versus warrant call for, permit whenever when whereas since witnessed saw